Wednesday 3 March 2010

Nokia Story

A famous example of how change can result in untold success is Nokia, a company you are all very familiar with. Nokia embraces change. Originally they made paper products then they expanded into making galoshes, tyres and raincoats.

In the mid 80’s the Finnish Government was at the forefront of in-car telephony and Nokia decided to move into electronics. In the early 90’s they decided to enter the mobile handsets market. Their first product was forecast to sell 400,000 units – they sold 20 million and in the process, changed the world. Nokia is the only company in the world that generates more wealth than its country of origin.

In 2008 Nokia sold 350 million handsets, 35% of the 1 billion sold worldwide."

"It's not the strongest of the species that will survive, nor the most intelligent, it's the one most responsive to change."

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